The BPYO Hits the Road!

Europe - June 2024

Named “Best Classical Music Ensemble” by Boston Magazine in 2019, the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra’s (BPYO) motto is “Shaping Future Leaders through Music.” Now in its eleventh season, the tuition-free orchestra has garnered critical acclaim for its superb and memorable performances. The 120 members of the BPYO range in age from 12 to 21 and are chosen through a highly-selective audition process. The tuition-free model of BPYO allows talented young artists from all backgrounds to participate.


A Whirlwind Tour of Possibility!

The Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra - Benjamin Zander, conductor - is seeking sponsorship for a 2024 European Concert Tour.

The tour to Europe took place in June 12-28, 2024.

Formal concerts by the orchestra may be paired with presentations by Benjamin Zander for sponsors. Additional activities may include cultural and musical exchanges with local young people and youth orchestras.




There are many ways to underwrite this tour. Sponsorship opportunities can be customized to accommodate your priorities and capacity.

Opportunities may include:

  • Sponsoring a youth orchestra musician
  • Sponsoring a soloist
  • Sponsoring a concert
  • Sponsoring a community engagement event
  • Bringing your employees to a concert
  • Bringing Maestro Zander to your employees for a Possibility Talk


If you are interested in supporting this tour, please contact:

Derek Beckvold

Boston Philharmonic, Managing Director





Since its founding in 2012, hundreds of young musicians have dedicated their Saturday afternoons to BPYO rehearsals. The BPYO has released three commercial recordings, appeared three times in Carnegie Hall, and toured twelve countries in Europe and South America, engaging in musical exchanges with thousands of young musicians and performing for tens of thousands of people.

The New York Times review of BPYO’s Carnegie Hall debut in 2013 noted that the "members of BPYO play with a maturity and cohesion well beyond their years,” and described their performance of Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony as “a brilliantly played, fervently felt account, enriched with silken strings, robust brass, and eloquent solos.”



Benjamin Zander is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and a guest conductor around the world. With London's famed Philharmonia Orchestra, he is recording the complete cycle of Mahler symphonies, recordings that have been received with extraordinary critical acclaim both for the performance and Zander's now famous full-length disc explaining the music for the lay listener. Their recordings of Mahler’s 9th and Bruckner's 5th Symphony were nominated for Grammys for Best Orchestral Performance. Their latest recording, Mahler's 2nd Symphony, was nominated for a Grammy in 2014.

Benjamin Zander is also a highly sought after speaker. He has given both the opening and the closing Keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where on another occasion he was awarded the Crystal award for "outstanding contributions in the Arts and international relations." In 2002 he was awarded the "Caring Citizen of the Humanities" Award by the International Council for Caring Communities at the United Nations. In honor of his 70th birthday, and 45 years of teaching, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the New England Conservatory. He and his partner Rosamund Zander collaborated on a best-selling book, The Art of Possibility which has been translated into fifteen languages. 



"To be sure, the BPYO has been one of the most consistently impressive and musically satisfying groups in town this past decade. This season was no exception. Though comprised mainly of teenagers, it’s an orchestra whose collective professionalism belies its membership’s juvenescence. What’s more, the players typically bring a sense of excitement, discovery, and intentionality to their performances that, in turn, enlivens even the most familiar repertoire."

-Boston Classical Review


"The BPYO’s three-dimensional, purposeful reading was less played through than lived out...for all its mighty exclamations, this Shostakovich Five thrived on moments of quiet and delicacy. Its exposed woodwind exchanges unwound tenderly. The Largo’s fragile episodes were gripping for their intensity; its last bars provided fleeting, shimmering catharsis...The result was a performance of riveting focus and, especially over the finale’s insistent final pages, soaring, singing defiance."

-Boston Classical Review


​​"as gripping and natural a Mahler Fourth as I’ve ever heard. Zander’s handling of the shifts of character between each variation were perfectly unaffected; and the movement’s rich climaxes were contrasted by playing of astonishing tonal presence." 

-Boston Classical Review


"Forget the fact that this is an orchestra made up of kids aged 12 to 20; they’re one of the finest ensembles in the country, period".

-The Arts Fuse


“Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 in G Major…As the first movement progressed, the players kept opening and developing a sound uniquely their own. Every repeat of the initial thematic material proved notably more compelling than the initial version. The third movement…achieved real mastery. A year’s worth of preparation for something without any certainty of realization had not been in vain, and hope for the future not only endured but also thrived.”

-Boston Musical Intelligencer



Visit the Benjamin Zander Center to explore writings, recordings, and so much more...

Listen to your heart's content on our SoundCloud page.

Read about our 2022 Tour to Greece on our Blog.

Read about our 2023 Tour to South Africa HERE.

And discover more possibility below.


Maestro Zander's acclaimed TED talk


"Shining Eyes" Documentary


What happens when the BPYO is stuck in an airport while on tour? 

BPYO 2022 Concert in Symphony Hall, Boston -

featuring music by Barber, Mozart, and Mahler



BPYO 2020 Concert in Symphony Hall, Boston -

featuring the music of Berlioz

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