Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra

Debussy / Walton / Rachmaninoff

 Prélude À L'après-midi d'un faune (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun)

(10 minutes)

Cello Concerto

(30 minutes)

Symphony No. 2
(60 minutes)


Benjamin Zander, conductor

Leland Ko, cello



Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, is—to only a slightly lesser degree than The Rite of Spring—a work that revolutionized music around the beginning of the 20th century, with its gossamer textures, subtle voluptuousness and elusive harmonies. Sixty-seven years ago Walton's Cello Concerto premiered in Symphony Hall with the legendary cellist Gregor Piatigorsky. BPYO alum Leland Ko, recent first prize winner of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) Competition, will bring it home again, with his richly lyrical tone and virtuosic flair. Maestro Zander says of Rachmaninoff's Symphony No. 2, "It overflows with love. From its first notes, emotion-drenched themes well up in an unstoppable flood, all clothed in Rachmaninoff's most gorgeous orchestration."

-Benjamin Zander


This is a live concert that will be live-streamed! Please read through our support page for Boston Philharmonic virtual events. Our Live Streams and On Demand events are viewable on computers, smartphones, and tablets. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to view these events on your television.


Information for ticket buyers

  • All Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra concerts make use of a stage extension. This makes row E the first row directly in front of the stage. View Symphony Hall Seat Map to see where the extension overlaps and where any viewer obstructions are located before you choose your seats.

  • Children in attendance must be five years old, and we recommend that children in attendance be at least eight years old. Most of our concerts feature musical works that are 30+ minutes in length without pause. Children, regardless of age, must be prepared to sit still and remain quiet throughout the performance.

  • If you are choosing to have your tickets emailed to you, your tickets are print-at-home and not digital or e-tickets. This means that you will receive an email with PDF attachments. One PDF per ticket that you purchased. You must either download your PDF ticket(s) to your phone to show the ushers or print your PDF ticket(s) out and bring them with you to the concert. Print-at-home tickets are a convenience for ticket buyers so that they may receive their tickets right away.
  • When placing your order online wait to put any discount codes in until you've made your seat choices, and you are on the screen with the dollar amount total for your order. There you can put your code into the "Promotional code" field and press the "submit" button. The total page will refresh and show you the new total with the discount.

    Contact the box office at 617-236-0999 if you want assistance or have questions about your order.  

  • View our Ticket Policies page for further information.

All dates, repertoire, venues, and artists are subject to change.


Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 8:00PM / Symphony Hall
There will be no pre-concert Guide to the music with Benjamin Zander before the concert.

Parking and Directions

View Symphony Hall Seat Map

See our Orchestra map for common instrument locations as they would appear on stage.


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  • No proof of vaccine is required for entry.
  • A negative Covid-19 test is not required for entry.
  • Masks are encouraged but not required to be worn while inside Symphony Hall. 

 Review the current Covid-19 policies for further information. 

For the 2023-2024 concert season all concerts will be held at Symphony Hall. To help you plan your visit please read:

Symphony Hall Policies