Prelude to Die Meistersinger
(9 minutes)
Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber
(21 minutes)
Symphony No. 1
(45 minutes)
Benjamin Zander, conductor
We start with Brahms, a central figure of German musical art. He is a master of both the Classical style and the spirit of Romanticism. His First Symphony—with its perfect form and singing soul—established forever his place in the symphonic lineage. Incredibly, I’ve never done a Brahms Symphony with the BPYO, so I’m especially excited to delve into Brahms’ world with this new generation of performers.
Wagner’s opera Die Meistersinger is about music making. It celebrates the artist who goes beyond merely following the rules, in order to unleash the unfettered imagination. Its overture could be the theme song for the entire Boston Philharmonic organization.
Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphosis is another example of the creative process at work. He takes an old tune and puts it through its paces, at the same time testing the orchestra with both the challenge and reward of utmost virtuosity. It’s huge fun to play and it stands between the overture and the symphony like a concerto for the orchestra itself.
-Benjamin Zander
This is a live concert that will be live-streamed! Be sure to read through our support page for Boston Philharmonic virtual events. Our Live Streams and On Demand events are viewable on computers, smartphones, and tablets. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to view these events on your television at this time.
All dates, repertoire, venues, and artists are subject to change.
SUNday, November 5, 2023
3:00PM / Symphony Hall
There will be no pre-concert Guide to the music with Benjamin Zander before the concert.
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For the 2023-2024 concert season all concerts will be held at Symphony Hall. To help you plan your visit please read: